Discovering AuthOMath

Digital tools are increasingly present in the mathematics classroom. GeoGebra has gained popularity in secondary education for its ability to generate dynamic representations. STACK (System for Teaching Assessment using a Computer Algebra Kernel) is emerging as a promising tool that allows generating tasks with random data and providing specific feedback on errors made by students.

The AuthOMath project, funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, has dedicated two and a half years to the integration of these two tools. Its main objective is to offer teaching guidelines for creating mathematical tasks that incorporate dynamic materials and provide feedback adapted to students’ errors.

To present the advances achieved by researchers from the Heidelberg University of Education (Germany), the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), the Johannes Kepler University (Austria) and the University of Cantabria, the Discovering AuthOMath conference is organized at the Faculty of Sciences from the University of Cantabria. This event, aimed at secondary education mathematics teachers, will take place on Wednesday, May 8.