From 4.7. to 7.7. 2023 mathematics students from the Universities University of Education in Heidelberg, Universidad de Cantabria and University of Edinburgh traveled to Linz in Austria, where they met their fellow students from the School of Education at Johannes Kepler University. Read more
STACK authoring workshop at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
In a workshop lead by Tim Lutz, students and teachers at the RPTU were trained over several weeks to create GeoGebra in STACK tasks for the primary school sector.
Follow the link for a temporary access to some of the students’ work: =xf:na&cmdClass=ilObjLTIConsumerGUI&cmd=launch&ref_id=89
AuthOMath present at the ICMTM 2023 in Athens
The project presented itself at the 2023 ICTMT conference in Athens (Greece) in three forms:
We presented a poster titled Technical Advances and Didactic Reasoning in the Project AuthOMath (2022 – 2024). Click here for download: Click
In a workshop, participants were given the opportunity to work with selected AuthOMath tasks and discuss their didaktic potentials. See here for the presentation: Click
And finally, on the last day, the conference organisers allowed for short project presentations. Here are our slides: Click
1st Nordic e-Assessment Meeting
On invitiation, Guido Pinkernell delivered a presentation on “Activating Feedback in Formative Assessment: From Receptive to Active Learning with Automated Feedback” at the 1st Nordic e-Assessment Meeting in Trondheim, 31 May–2 June, 2023, organized by the NTNU. For conference details, see here:
Click here for the presentation: Click
Presentation of AuthOMath tasks at “Bildungsbits”
On 25 April, Gunter Ehret presented the task format developed in the AuthOMath project in an online event from the series Bildungsbits, which is offered by the Professional school of the Heidelberg University of Education mainly for inservice teachers. The participants were 9 teachers at different types of schools, university lecturers, school authority staff and school directors.
They had the opportunity to try out the tasks, discuss them and develop their own ideas for programmable tasks in groups.
Presentation of AuthOMath tasks at “digi@school”
On 24 March, 18 teachers, school directors or educational administrators, took part in an online conference from the digi@school series, which is organised in cooperation with the Heidelberg University of Education, the Heidelberg Professional School, ZSL Mannheim, the Heidelberg Media Centre, the Mannheim City Media Centre and the Hopp Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Guido Pinkernell and Gunter Ehret presented the task format that is being developed within the framework of AuthOMath. The participants had the opportunity to try out and discuss the task format in its didactic and topic-related variety. In a group work phase, participants were able to develop their own ideas for digital tasks on various mathematics topics.The feedback on the event was very positive; after the event, some interested participants contacted the speakers.
Project presentation at the DAAD kickoff meeting
On a kickoff meeting at the DAAD in Bonn on October 12th and 13th, Erasmus+ project managers exchanged their experiences and workshops offered answers to important questions. In addition, the project members presented their projects to each other in a poster presentation and gave each other feedback. Gunter Ehret, project member since May, took part on behalf of Authomath. The poster presentation aroused great interest among colleagues and employees of the DAAD.
2nd TPM in Castro Urdiales
The 2nd TPM was held in Castro Urdiales on 4 and 5 October 2022. The UC hosts had organised a seminar room with a magnificent view over the Atlantic. Tim Lutz was introduced as a new member of staff and joined digitally. The institutions exchanged information about joint activities, such as the didactics seminar conducted and researched by different partners. In addition to the further development of the project results, organisational agreements were made on data exchange and regular virtual meetings, which have continued to this day. Click here for the picture gallery.
1st TPM in Heidelberg
The first project meeting took place on July 6th and 7th in Heidelberg. After getting to know each other in person at a dinner together in Heidelberg’s old town, the partners exchanged ideas about their experiences with the digital task format. The upcoming tasks were then specified and processes discussed. The Project and its aims were presented to the Math Education Department of the Heidelberg University of Education. For the supporting program, a trip to the Königstuhl provided a nice setting.
Press Release
Announcement of the Erasmus+ project AuthOMath on the homepage of the PH Heidelberg.