

Sanz-Ruiz, M., Soto-Sánchez, L. M., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Diego-Mantecón, J. M. (soll im Juni vorgestellt werden). Elaborated feedback for interpreting graphs in Secondary Education.

Pinkernell, G. (2024, March). Activating Elements in Formative Feedback: From Receptive to Active Learning with Automated Feedback. STACK Conference 2024, OTH Amberg. (Presentation)


Pinkernell, G. (2023, June). AuthOMath: Towards a didactic concept for designing digital interactive tasks with automatic answer based feedback. The 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Athens. Presentation

Pinkernell, G. (2023, April 26). Merging GeoGebra and STACK : Technical advancement and didactic reflection. STACK Community Conference, Tallinn. Presentation

Pinkernell, G. (2023, June 1). Activating Feedback in Formative Assessment : From Receptive to Active Learning with Automated Feedback. 1st Northern e-Assessment Meeting 2023 Trondheim, Trondheim. Presentation

Pinkernell, G., & Lutz, T. (2023, September 29). AuthOMath (2022-2024) : Die Potentiale von STACK und GeoGebra technisch verknüpfen und didaktisch reflektiert nutzen. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Mathematikunterricht und digitate Werkzeuge, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg. Presentation

Sanz-Ruiz, M. (2023, November 23). How is STACK useful for learning about linear equations? Doctoral Students’ Conference: Tradition, Development & Innovation in Didactics. Summary.

Sanz-Ruiz, M., Diego-Mantecón, J. M., & Ortiz-Laso, Z. (2023, September 13). Formative feedback on linear equations. CADGME 2023: Digital Tools in Mathematics Education. University of Catania, Italy. Presentation.

Pinkernell, G. (2023, November). Aktivierendes Feedback in digitalen Aufgabenformaten: Erfahrungen und Beispiele aus den Heidelberger Projekten MatheBrücke und AuthOMath. Kolloquium zur Didaktik der Mathematik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT. Presentation

Tejera, M., Russo, C., & Ortiz-Laso, Z. (2023, November 12). AuthOMath: innovación de la enseñanza de las matemáticas a través de la integración de GeoGebra y STACK. International Congress of GeoGebra. Córdoba, Spain.


Pinkernell, G. (2022 April). Combining the strengths of STACK and GeoGebra for school and academic mathematics. International Meeting of the STACK Community, Leoben.

Ríos-San-Nicolás, Á., Diego-Mantecón, J. M., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Pinkernell, G. (2022 September). The use of STACK for developing problem -posing and -solving skills of future mathematics teachers. CADGME 2022: Digital Tools in Mathematics Education

Ríos-San-Nicolás, Á., Diego-Mantecón, J. M., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Pinkernell, G. (2022 December). Designing and Implementing Word Problem in STACK: a study with Potential Secondary Education Mathematics Teachers. Doctoral Students’ Conference: Tradition, Development & Innovation in Didactics.